Kickstarter: Email & Newsletters

Empowering creators and fostering platform engagement were at the heart of my email communication strategy development and implementation.

  • 'Working On It' newsletter creation
    I launched "Working On It," a targeted email equipping creators with valuable resources to enhance their creative processes. This newsletter curated content on project development, marketing tips, and Kickstarter success stories.

  • Promotional email campaigns
    I designed and executed targeted email campaigns promoting open calls, marketing initiatives, and special projects. These campaigns featured compelling subject lines, clear calls to action, and leveraged user data to personalize content for different creator segments.

  • Movable Ink integration
    To create dynamic and interactive email experiences, I crafted engaging email copy for an automated campaign promoting Kickstarter categories using Movable Ink.

Working On It

2023: A year of better Kickstarter

I designed and executed Kickstarter's monthly creator newsletter, focusing on delivering valuable and inspiring content to help creators succeed on the platform. I curated news, tips, and inspirational stories relevant to Kickstarter creators, fostering a sense of community and keeping them informed.

Discover More on Kickstarter

We're glad you’re here! Now let’s explore...

I crafted engaging email copy for Kickstarter's automated backer welcome campaign, leveraging Movable Ink to create a dynamic and interactive experience. This involved writing concise copy that seamlessly integrated with Movable Ink's features, like personalized category recommendations and interactive elements. The goal was to enhance user engagement and encourage backers to explore new projects across diverse categories on Kickstarter.


Kickstarter: External Comms


Opus: Website